Friday, December 18, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How to Boost Morale With Employee Awards

Employee rewards are an important part of building healthy morale in a corporation. Loyal and hard working employees need recognition for their efforts and how they affect the bottom line. Quarterly and annual awards for personal and team efforts build camaraderie and push a company forward in attaining the next big goal. You can do it and Awards by Paul can help! Contact Paul here!

Proven Steps to Increasing Morale

  1. Step 1

    Define the awards by looking at the corporate objectives and how each department fits into the overall goals. Tailor awards for both team and personal efforts within each department.

  2. Step 2

    Set a budget that provides an acceptable incentive level based on the positions of the employees. Non-cash incentives cost the company less while being equally effective in raising company morale. Cash incentives lose their value over time, as they become more a part of the salary rather then an incentive in the employee's mind.

  3. Step 3

    Make an effort to recognize employees in positions that are less visible or below management's radar. Boosting the morale at every level keeps a company working as a team.

  4. Step 4

    Use companies who specialize in award programs to make more options available to reward recipients. These companies customize awards to match the individual needs of the business and help guide you toward incentive programs that meet budget and employee satisfaction goals.

  5. Step 5

    Bring the company together as a group to present awards and recognize efforts. Have department heads hand out rewards to add a personal touch. Offer sincere gratitude and outline the team or employees' achievements with each presentation.

Call "Awards by Paul" Today!
(714) 491 1025
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Work recognition award aims to RAISE MORALE!


A SEARCH has been launched to find people in Edinburgh who are going the extra mile in their work, despite the credit crunch.

The Recognition Express awards scheme, now in its sixth year, was set up to reward loyalty, hard work and commitment.

Last year's regional winners included Dawn Dorran from Edinburgh for her work as conference office manager at the Edinburgh Conference Centre at Heriot-Watt University.

Graham Mitchell, owner of Recognition Express South East Scotland, said: "These awards are a great way of lifting morale when times are tough, and we're delighted that last year Dawn did our region proud."

There are two categories, for commercial and not-for-profit organisations, and the awards are open to organisations with fewer than 200 employees or volunteers, and local branches of national organisations.

What is important to remember is that Awards by Paul can help you raise morale, increase work production, and bring in more revenue for the business. In this economy, we can help!

Call "Awards by Paul" Today!
(714) 491 1025
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What Good is there in Giving an Award by Paul?

By Jim Brintnall, Brand Strategy & Product Development at Successories, Inc.

Debbie Gustafson, Trinity Services, Inc.
Bob Nelson, Nelson Motivation, Inc.
Recognition News, Volume 2, Issue 2

A good award should link personal contribution to the company progress in a way that is SMART

Above all else, a good reward should reflect a genuine expression of appreciation. Token acknowledgements leave something to be desired.

To endure a motivating influence, rewards should be aligned with the values, goals, and priorities that matter the most.

The diverse workplace demands alternatives. Consider creative options to keep your program fresh. No single reward format works for everyone all the time.

Some personal dimension is essential to a good reward. No matter how formal or informal, expensive or affordable, the relevance of any recognition will be improved with a personal touch – it’s a little thing that makes a big difference.

It is important that rewards respond to the behavior they are intending to reinforce. Don’t let too much time pass or the reward will be devalued and credibility eroded.

Finally, when announcing and presenting awards, take the time and effort to do it right. Doing so will enhance the credibility of the process, make an impression and unlock the emotional commitments that should continue to pay dividends long after the occasion has passed.

Jim Brintnall – Successories, Inc.

Tangible rewards come in all shapes and sizes. Whether the cost is high or insignificant, the reward should be memorable and perceived as valuable to the recipient. Money is nice, but it tends to be spent quickly and then forgotten. I believe that the best rewards are those that have a symbolic significance that fits within an organization’s culture

For instance, Trinity Services , a non-for-profit agency serving people with disabilities, has introduced a frog mascot, “Little Leapit, into its culture which encourages employees to “leap ahead.” A variety of rewards, low in cost, but incorporating a leaping frog, have been given for specific performances.

The employees have come to relate more enthusiastically to the frog logo than to the agency logo of three diamonds. Each time they see or use the item, it reminds them once again that they successfully took another giant leap.

Debbie Gustafson, Directory Employee Services, Trinity Services, Inc.

Call "Award by Paul" Today!
(714) 491 1025
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Awards by Paul ... giving People Value & Honor!

Awards by Paul is a full service engraving and awards company located in Anaheim, serving Orange County and Los Angeles. We specialize in engraving, trophies, plaques, acrylic and glass awards, medals, name badges and signage, promotional gifts and corporate awards. We can engrave almost anything with your special message. So whether you are in Anaheim or anywhere in Orange County or Los Angeles, we can service you. Give our staff a call and we will be ready to service your awards and engraving needs.

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(714) 491 1025
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